Where are the great women who contributed to making history every bit as much as the great male minds? They are barely visible and just as little rooted in our awareness. “I was outraged by this already as a sixteen-year-old,” said the artist Anja Matzke, “as a young girl, I went to the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne, where there was an exhibition with a series of portraits of men by Gerhard Richter. I was deeply shocked by the omnipresence of the masculine and the exclusion of women from this series.”

Opening speech by Dr. Katharina Jeorgakopulos

Materials: cotton cloth, thread, clothesline, clothespins

49 hand-embroidered portraits hung on clotheslines in the gallery space.

Marina Abramovic
Hannah Ahrend
Diane Arbus
Maria Callas
Karen Carpenter
Vija Celmins
Judy Chicago
Ingeborg Bachmann
Pina Bausch
Marie Madeleine
Sophie Blanchard
Carla Bley
Louise Bourgeois
Camille Claudel
Marie Curie
Tsitsi Dangarembga
Doris Dörrie

Ray Eames
Akwaeke Emezi
Gudrun Ensslin
Valie Export
Kathleen Ferrier
Anne Frank
Muriel Gardiner
Artemisia Gentileschi
Guerilla Girls
arguerite „Peggy“ Guggenheim
Zaha Hadid
Nina Hagen
Eva Hesse
Rebecca Horn
Regina Halmich
Patricia Highsmith
Judith Hermann

Fasia Jansen
Else Lasker-Schüler
Astrid Lindgren
Miriam Makeba
Joni Mitchell
Meret Oppenheim
Natalja Perowa und Ludmilla Annenkowa
Emilia Roig
Niki de Saint Phalle
Romy Schneider
Patti Smith
Susan Sontag
Simone Weil
Virginia Woolf
Simone Young
Pussy Riot

I hate embroidery - Anja Matzke